Friday 29 April 2011

Money Affects everything about us! Fight it or Embrace it!

Yes, you heard it right! 30 Days! No more theories, concepts and all that nonsense. This is as real as it gets!

These are facts!

1. Money Affects your Relationships
2. Money Affects your Health
3. Money Affects YOU!

Folks, we cannot deny that we live in challenging times. I want you to do something here folks! Close your eyes, calm your nerves and keep repeating the word "Money" to you again and again for about 60 seconds!

What happened? Be honest and write down your honest emotional reactions. I will make a few wild guesses.

1. You are excited about Money - A rare one!
2. Money made me lose my loved ones so I hate it!
3. Money is scary because you can lose everything at the end of it!
4. Credit Card payments, Bill Payments, Legal Fees and all.

and so many more reactions. The truth is that as much as we claim to want to be rich, our psychology is still rejecting money. That's why no matter how hard we work, we don't to have enough to show for.


1. Vicious Cycles?
2. Have you asked yourself how attractive money is to you?
3. What are your deep intentions and emotions towards Wealth?
4. How have you used it in the past?
5. There are many questions that you can choose to answer now than waiting for things to go wrong!

Money 101 is an exciting program for anyone who wants to learn the true value of it and how it can turn your life around in 30 days! Time can be your best friend or your biggest enemy.

Gabriel Suppiah, Head Coach of Money 101 is an international speaker and trainer having trained more than 75,000 people to date in countries like the US, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Indonesia among others. Trained in peak performance science, leadership and NLP, Gabriel is hailed as one of the very few trainers in the world who brings a personal and practical approach to his clients.

The 30 days Challenge for you can start right now!

Gabriel Suppiah
Head Coach

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